El-Mehdi El arar

El-Mehdi El arar

Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Rennes

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About Me

Since February 2024, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Rennes, as a member of the Taran team of INRIA Rennes with Olivier Sentieys and Silviu-Ioan Filip. My research focuses on the error analysis of deep neural networks using mixed/low-precision arithmetic and stochastic rounding. Before that, from February 1, 2021, to December 19, 2023, I was a PhD student at the Paris-Saclay University. My supervisors during my PhD were Devan Sohier, Pablo de Oliveira Castro and Eric Petit, and my research involved the use of probabilistic tools to perform algorithms under stochastic rounding.


Internship offer with Silviu-Ioan Filip at INRIA Rennes, France:

Limited-Precision Stochastic Rounding and its use in Gradient Descent-Based Optimization. PDF



Research Interests