
Links to my published/preprint journal and conference papers.

Journal Papers

Bounds on Non-Linear Errors for Variance Computation with Stochastic Rounding

El-Mehdi El arar, Devan Sohier, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Eric Petit
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. https PDF
This paper has been awarded the “SIAM Reproducibility Badge: Code and data available” as recognition that the authors have followed reproducibility principles valued by SISC and the scientific computing community. Code and data that allow the reader to reproduce the results in this paper are available at

Stochastic Rounding Variance and Probabilistic Bounds: A New Approach

El-Mehdi El arar, Devan Sohier, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Eric Petit
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. https PDF

Conference Papers

The Positive Effects of Stochastic Rounding in Numerical Algorithms

El-Mehdi El arar, Devan Sohier, Pablo de Oliveira Castro, Eric Petit
In 29th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2022), Virtual Conference, France, 2022. https PDF


Error Analysis of Sum-Product Algorithms under Stochastic Rounding

Pablo de Oliveira Castro, El-Mehdi El arar, Eric Petit, Devan Sohier
Preprint, 2024. https PDF

Probabilistic Error Analysis of Limited-Precision Stochastic Rounding

El-Mehdi El arar, Massimiliano Fasi, Silviu-Ioan Filip, Mantas Mikaitis
Preprint, 2024. https PDF

My PhD

Stochastic models for the evaluation of numerical errors

El-Mehdi El arar
PhD, 2023. https PDF